Affordable Pricing Plans for Quality Physical Therapy

Cosmic Physio is a trusted destination in North West London, offering personalized care. Our cutting-edge technology and evidence-based practices empower clients to regain strength, vitality, and independence.


Initial Assessment (45 Mins)

Our comprehensive initial assessment includes a thorough evaluation of your condition, personalized treatment planning, and expert guidance.


Follow-Up Session (30 Mins)

Follow-up sessions are essential for tracking progress, and adapting treatment plans. Each session offers personalized treatment and modalities.

£140 £160

Package of 4 Follow-Up Sessions
(30 Mins each)

Save even more with our package deal, which includes four follow-up sessions at a discounted rate.

Begin Your Path to Healing

Don’t let pain hold you back any longer. Start your journey to recovery today by scheduling an appointment with our experienced physical therapists.